We are over visiting the in-laws today and I thought since Jack has plenty of people to fuss over him I would take advantage of this quite time and write a quick post.
It's been growing colder here in Oregon and we are seeing a lot of that famous Oregon rain. I love every minute of it. I get so excited with I wake up to the sound of hard rain drops on my bedroom window....it's the Scottish Lass in me I guess. Jack and I are enjoying the quite life of Wilsonville. We go to the library a few times a week. They have a great children's section with some wonderful toys and a puppet theatre. We read books and then on Thursdays we attend story time. Tuesdays are Yoga day. Mummy gets a MAJOR workout at our wards yoga class while Jack goes to the nursery room to play. We have a girl in the ward that is a yoga instructor and teaches us in the ward once a week for free. We all takes turns providing childcare for any of the mothers that come and it is something I look forward to every week. I never knew how out of shape I was.
A few weeks ago my younger brother, John, and his wife were blessed with another baby boy. Their wee ones are only 14 months apart! They are amazing and have my admiration. The new little ones name is Issac and he came 3 weeks early. In fact my brother had to deliver him! My sister-in-law literally stood up, her water broke, and the baby just started coming out. So, my brother delivered the baby and the ambulance arrived shortly afterwards. Both Margaret and baby were totally fine, thank goodness. I wonder how Ryan would cope in that situation..haha.
My brother, Euan, is getting married to his American gal in January and so I am trying to figure out if I can get home for the wedding. It's a long shot, but we'll see if we can score any cheap tickets. I have already missed two of my siblings weddings, so I want to go really badly!
Ryan continues to enjoy his job and even got to do a deposition for the first time on Wednesday. I am so happy that he likes his work and doesn't dread going to work every day. We feel very blessed that he has any work at all during these stressful times.
We will be spending Thanksgiving with Ryan's family, of course, as they are so close. I am grateful that I don't have to make the long drive from Utah this year....very thankful.
K, I will try and get on here to blog again sooner than later.