Friday, April 10, 2009

Catch up

Jack and Mummy decorating eggs
Jack and Haylee playing with her fun toy car.

I haven’t blogged in forever! So, we have been looking at houses for about a month and a half now. We made an offer on one that we really liked in a town called Newberg and they counter-offered with a price that we were not at all willing to pay. I was a tad disappointed. I must mention at this point that we have looked at 3 houses on this particular street in Newberg….it almost felt like we were destined to live there. Then the very next week our realtor takes us to another house on this same street….in fact is actually faces the house we made an offer on! Crazy. We loved the house as it pretty much has the exact same floor plan, but this one has a bonus living room up just a few stairs. The rest of the house is one level. We were really excited at the thought of getting a bigger house at a much cheaper price. It was a short sale. We prepared ourselves for basically not hearing back from the bank for months on end. Then three days after making an offer we had heard back from both the seller and the bank that our offer had been accepted! We had the house inspection on Tuesday and it went pretty well. We have a couple of things to take care of, but on the whole we were really pleased with how it turned out. Our closing date is set for May 4th. Hopefully everything else plays out smoothly from this point on. I am really excited at the thought of getting into a house before the baby is born. Jack ran around like a headless chicken each time we visited the house….so I’m pretty sure he likes it too.

I have 10 weeks left in my pregnancy now. I feel extremely uncomfortable at night and have been having Braxton hicks contractions, which I do not remember having with Jack. Anyway, Jack keeps me busy enough that I don’t focus too much on this pregnancy and the time has just flown in. I’m looking forward to seeing this new little one soon though. I can not believe how active he is.

My Grandparents were able to come and spend four days with us recently. It was a quick pit-stop before heading to Salt Lake City for General Conference and then onto Kansas City to start the church history tour. It was so nice for Jack to get to know his Great Grandparents a bit better. My gran’pa started playing football (soccer) with Jack the morning after they arrived and of course that won Jack over immediately. He loved all the attention and cried when they left…so did I. We are so glad they came to visit and hope they are enjoying the rest of their holiday.

With Easter this coming Sunday we went over to our friend’s house and painted some eggs. Jack and their little girl, Haylee, weren’t very interested in decorating the eggs as much as eating the Easter sweets and playing in Haylee’s toy car. Jack did have a lot of fun throwing the eggs on the floor though…wee devil!


Lindsey said...

Congratulations! It sounds like your house hunting went relatively smoothly. I hope that the closing doesn't present any hiccups because we know how frustrating that can be! I can't believe you only have 10 weeks left! I'm sure they will feel like the longest 10 with how uncomfortable the last trimester feels, but hopefully they go quickly too. Jack is looking so big. I wish I could see all of you! If your grandparents cane come from Scotland, surely Brett and I can go to Oregon this summer, right?!

Karen said...

Hi Leigh, I'm still so excited for you guys about your house. I'll admit that I'm sad you're moving out of the ward but we'll still play. By the way I got your message and no I'm not in Idaho yet. We are going in two weeks. We just weren't at story hour today because Haylee has another cold. I think we are going to go tommorow though. We've been couped up all week.

Unknown said...

wow! congrats on the house!!!! I hope it all goes smoothly. You'll have to send pictures. take it easy with your pregnancy. good luck as you get closer. It will be all over soon. :)I'm almost 13 weeks myself. :) See ya,

Madeline said...

Hey! Congratulations! I am so happy that you have found a place and that it is going fairly smoothly! It was obviously meant to be!
My place is proving VERY complicated and I don't have a clue when I will be able to move in. Essentially I am homeless now! :)
Jack is looking so big now! I am so glad that you had a lovely time with granny and grandpa!
Missing you loads and sending you some good vibes for the rest of the pregnancy and the move!
Love Mxx

kris said...

congrats on the house and happy late bitthday!