I have a whole new respect for my own mum now though...how did she manage eight children! I am in complete awe of anyone with more than one! I've had a lot of people tell me that the initial transition from one to two was hard, but that having the third and so forth was pretty easy in comparison...I'm hoping that is the case. Because as of right now I would probably say I'm done having kids. Of course that's not the case. I want more, but I am definitely feeling slightly overwhelmed from time to time with the two. Jack is a good big brother for the most part. He likes to give lovely hugs and kisses to his brother, but unfortunately he tends to follow it up with a head-butt or a swift kick. I pretty much have to watch him like a hawk when he is anywhere near Pete, but I'm sure it'll get better...or worse.
My sister,Isabel, came to spend 5 weeks with us this summer. Jack had a lot of fun with her and it was very nice having another set of hands to help me when we left the house. Now that she has left reality is starting to sink in. I have a whole new way of thinking now... Right, so it's just me and the boys...do I really need to leave the house today? Or, can my errands wait till Ryan comes home and then I maybe only need to take one child, if any.
Peter wasn't the best sleeper for the first few weeks we had him home, but thankfully his schedule is starting to sort itself out. On the whole I would have to say that Pete is a way more relaxed and mellow baby than Jack was. He pretty much never cries unless there is a real reason. He's time consuming simply because of nursing and never-ending nappy changing, but he's very easy. I love how he seems to smile when he hears my voice after he has been held by someone else for a while. He's a very sweet wee baby. Anyway, I'm slowly getting the hang of things, but it sure takes some patience.

Here is my sister, Isabel, and I after watching the fireworks on the 4th July

Peter at 2 weeks old

My sister and Jack spending some time together

Jack in his new shirt

Daddy and Pete


Wilsonville Murase plaza

Jack in his very cute dungarees!

Peter at 5 weeks old...getting chunkier!
1 comment:
Peter is so adorable and Jack is growing so fast! Good luck with two...it does get easier! I just had to get a steady routine down, now it seems like second nature. Hope all is well...you look great by the way!
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