Monday, July 25, 2011

35 Down

Yesterday I reached 35 weeks along in my pregnancy with our wee twin girls. I feel pretty happy about how things have gone thus far. I expected to be fairly miserable by now and be begging my doctor to help speed things along. I had a horrible fear of having to be on bed rest for a month or so. I was terrified that my tummy would be so enormous that I would have tons of stretch marks (how vain of me). I have had a few crying episodes when I think about all that is to come, but I thought I'd be way more panicked that I actually am. So with a few contractions, some aches and pains, a couple of small stretch marks, and a tight/compact belly with an 'outty' belly button, I feel alright and ever so happy to have made it this far.To be perfectly honest, I have a feeling the wee girls aren't in any hurry to come out either. I feel like I could go all the way to 40 weeks, but maybe I'm completely wrong.
I had hoped and still cling to the hope that I will be able to have a regular delivery, but as of right now baby 'A' is breach and if she doesn't turn I'll be looking at having a c-section. I scared myself and watched a c-section twin birth a few months ago. It really wasn't all that bad, but I was so nervous at the thought of having a long recovery with four wee children to take care of...goodness it's overwhelming to think of at times.
But my lovely Doctor continues to remind me each time I get that 'nervous look' on my face when he brings it up, that we are only doing what is necessary to get the babies out safely. I pray that wee baby 'A' will turn daily, but if it's not going to happen then I know we're doing what's best.
We bought a Honda Odyssey a few weeks ago to accommodate our growing family.....and I LOVE it. Hilariously enough Ryan really likes it as well (although he will never admit just how much he likes it because it's a minivan). It is much nicer than our other cars though, so who can blame him. He's already on the search for a new snazzy car for himself now because we have so much money left. NOT.
Jack is anxious for the babies to come and insists on calling them 'shark 1' and 'shark 2'....slightly obsessed with sharks? Indeed. It is very sweet though listening to him jabber on about how the babies "really ought to come out now." I can only imagine the pregnancy has seemed like an eternity to him. Peter kisses my tummy A LOT and tells me "You have babies." I'm interested to see how he will react to their arrival. I'm so in love with him right now....he totally potty trained himself. It makes up for the delightful 2 yr old temper tantrums he's been having lately.
Ryan still looks like a deer in the head-lights every now and then when people mention the babies arrival , but I know we'll struggle through and enjoy it together.

p.s. Still working on narrowing down our 'names list' so if you have anything lovely that you want to suggest let me long as you don't care if I steal it.


Cherie said...

You are looking adorable Leigh! Congrats on making it to 35 weeks. Glad to hear you're feeling fairly well. Also, I had both my boys by C-section and they are nearly as scary as they seem. I can't speak for twins obviously, but it's not as bad as people make it seem sometimes! If you do have to have one I have a couple tips if you're interested. :) Good luck and we're excited to see how pretty those little girls are going to be!

Lindsey said...

You look absolutely wonderful! I wouldn't have even guessed you were having twins from the picture. Love the van too! I think an Odyssey is on my wish list too, but not until the need is there which will hopefully be a while longer :) The thought of a c-section would be overwhelming, especially when it is not your first. It is hard enough to care for a newborn plus siblings - and in your case TWO newborns! Will Ryan's mom be able to stay with you for a while? Is your mum able to come visit soon? I will pray that that little baby girl turns herself the right way soon but agree that you will do what is best no matter what. As for name suggestions, I think I like Shark 1 and Shark 2 :) Once upon a time the names on my list were Madeline, McKenzie, Addison...and one more that I will hang on to in case there is a girl in our future ( can use it if you want, but know that I will still want it :)!) Hang in there! Can't wait to hear when these beauties arrive. I sure wish we were somehow closer. I miss you guys! PS: And I'm totally jealous that your second is potty trained before mine, especially with mine being OLDER! Ah, but at least we are making progress...

Karen said...

I loved reading every word of this post!! I miss you guys so so so much!! I'm coming to portland in October for a weekend so I'll come see you and the babes then. Ok, you look smaller than I did with Hunter. You look amazing!! I'm so glad you are feeling well. And 35 weeks!! Huge accomplishment with twins. I'll pray for baby A. Silly little girl, she needs to turn herself around. Love the new car!! That will be sooooo nice. Oh the sliding doors. I dream of sliding doors. So nice that pete is potty trained. Oh my gosh that will save your life with the new little ones. Names? Oh Leigh I have no idea. It is so hard for me to name one child let alone two at once!! And to get your husband to agree??!! What a nightmare. Good luck on that one. And good luck with your last few weeks. I think about you constantly and can't wait for pictures!!!

Erin said...

Now, if I remember correctly there was a day when a girl named Leigh wanted to name her wee ones Crispin, Poppy, and some other way neat, unique...very beautiful names. I can't remember a few of them however which breaks my heart because I really loved them and wanted to always remind you of them in case you forgot!!! haha However, I am with Pete on this and say Shark 1 and Shark 2 are fabulour names! I love that! I loved reading this post---especially since we haven't chatted in AGES!!!! You sound amazing! I'm so excited for you all and I think of you often. I hope baby A moves her tushy soon so you can have a smooth delivery but either way--everything will be OK! I'm shocked it's almost time already and we haven't talked since you first told me it was twins! I'm the worst friend ever. But know that I have thought of you daily and wanted to skype all the time however everytime I try...something comes up...or someone gets in the way! Congrats on the van...we've got an odyssey as well. LOVE IT--nice and cozy. We must talk soon! I will try much harder to catch you on skype or try and chat on the phone. LOVE YOU!!! Take care!

alisa fawn said...

you are looking so good! i can't believe it is nearing the end. we are wishing so much that all these little girl cousins would be able to be together.. someday,eh? hope it keeps going well and that baby a gets uncomfortable in her current position.

The McArthurs said...

Leigh, you look AMAZING! John loves the car, I think he is quite jealous actually! I was dreaming about you the other day. You had had the girls and were naming one of them Constance! I'm not sure what the other one was called though.
Give the boys kisses and cuddles for us. Miss you all x

Val said...

He's going to call them Shark 1 and 2 maybe you should just give in. You are looking fabulous and we'll all be helping you with your 4 little ones. Love you!

S said...

You are looking amazing Leigh!!!! Just beautiful! I'm so excited for you....its getting so close. Jack is such a sweetie.....reminds me of Peyton, he though we should name Allie "little peyton". LOL! "Shark 1 and 2" are the ultimate in creativity. Love it! Glad to hear you are doing well!!

Cherie said...

Okay, so I just re-read my comment and it meant to say they AREN'T nearly as scary as they seem! Geez, you must've thought I was really trying to freak you out! :)

LMS said...

lorna suggests mary and jane. you look fabulous leigh! can't wait to see those little babies XXX