Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Aug/Sept....late as always

I want to make excuses for not having posted in donkeys again, but why life is busy and so is everyone else's.  On to a recap.
August 19th marked the 1st birthday of the wee girls.  I love getting to know their personalities, but really, it's a little weird how much their personalities also match their brother look-a-like's.  Olive is climbing up on the couches, the kitchen table, throwing marvelous hissy fits when she doesn't get her way, very chatty, and a total charmer.  Interestingly enough Peter continues to be much the same.  Penelope is still very needy, clingy, quiet, a great avoider of any potentially dangerous situations (sibling wrestling), and loves to give me wee kisses, which aren't actually kisses at all...she sniffs my face.  Jack isn't quite the same anymore, but can still be very needy and is extremely sensitive like Penny. 

For their birthday I made a Peppa Pig cake and we had our friends, the Stocks, the Platt's, Auntie Callie, Uncle Josh, and baby Zoe over for a couple of hours after church.  It was nice, and all the kids had a jolly time.  

Olive thought the cake was delish and Penny was somewhat disgusted by it.  So Olive nicked hers and helped herself to both.  I'm really having a hard time believing that it's been over a year since their birth.  I miss having a wee baby in the house, but definitely not in any rush to have any more any time soon.  We had my niece, Zoe, come stay over night a few weeks ago and oh dear, adding another wee 4 month old into the mix was total exhaustion! 

My not so wee Jack started morning kindergarten on September 6th.  He was feeling a little nervous and so was I as we attended the orientation the day before, but on the actual morning all seemed to go fairly well.  He let me take all the posey pictures I wanted but as we walked into the school I could tell he was a little unsure again.  I didn't realise he was supposed to go into the gym to meet his class and from there would go to their room.  The second we entered the gym he froze and dug his feet into the ground.  He was so overwhelmed by the room full of children/teachers that I had to lift him over to his class.  He began to cry and then so did I.  His teacher, Mrs. Haupt (our bishop's daughter-in-law), is so lovely, and came rushing over to tell me and him it would be ok. Haha.  I comfoted him for a minute and then left quickly to stand outside while she held his hand.  Moments later he was fine and on his merry way to the classroom (by this time another crying kid was holding Mrs. Haupt's hand).  When I picked him up he told me he had had the greatest time and couldn't wait to go EVERY day, Brill. 
By Monday morning he was asking me if he could ride the bus home.  I asked the office and that very afternoon the bus brought him straight to my door! Pure fab!  I guess they do that for all the wee kindergartners.  Jack thought it was amazing that he didn't have to wear a seat belt and it was nice for me to see how many wee pals he has too.  They were all screaming "Bye Jack" for ages as he got off the bus.  Every day has been a great success and I'm so happy with how much he's enjoying it all.  He just looks so bloomin' grown up!   He's such a good wee guy.  

Peter misses Jack in the mornings, but really, it's such a short time that he's gone and he's back before we know it.  He makes a big production of saying 'goodbye' to him in the morning when he leaves with Ryan, and he totally loves waiting for the bus to arrive.

Speaking of Peter...he's been having a hard time going to bed and staying there lately.  He tells us he's scared of shadows.  We have tried turning his wee nightlight off and just keeping the hall light on so as not to make so many shadows in his room, but that's not working.  If you have suggestions, please share.  He's driving me mad! I find him asleep in the ugly brown chair in our living room, tucked in all cosy in our bed, and occasionally in the twins room...everywhere but in his own bed.  It's actually quite comical wondering where we'll find him when we go down to bed.  The other hilarious thing is that he's usually got our wedding album tucked under his arm lying there conked out! He says it's his favourite book! Ha.



Val said...

Peter is so dang cute - you'll have to keep track of all the places you find him, his kids will get a kick out of it one day!

Erin said...

OH My---Leigh--if I don't remember to tell you when we chat---Abby is the same way at bedtime! Except she stays in her room. But she just won't go to sleep! We got a Tot clock on helps most of the time now. It's expensive but really does help. And it's helped my early riser Bella to not get up at 5:30...but to wait till the clock turns yellow. I love the blog and I love your fam. I miss you and tons and can't wait to chat soon!