Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Getting close to that moving date

Recently I've been thinking that it's getting to about that time that I ought to be organizing the apartment for our move. Moving is the bane of my existence! It really shouldn't be too bad though, as I barely unpacked when we moved into Wymount; knowing that we would be here for such a short time. Those of you with children know that everything gets just a little bit tricker when you have a child, and now that Jack is walking..oh...I just know that he'll make the packing process a tad more difficult...the boy is into everything!
Then I've been thinking about how I'm actually a little nervous about leaving Utah! Weird huh? It's just that it's kinda been my home away from home and I like knowing where everything is...I just feel comfortable here. But the time has come to grow up and leave our student lives behind. It is exciting knowing that we will once again have a steady income. We got so lucky that Ryan got a job in his first year. I am so proud of him and all the hard work he puts into keeping us afloat financially while still going to school so that I can be at home with Jack.
Oregon is a really beautiful place and I look forward to all the experiences we will have there.

1 comment:

Meridth McKean Gimbel said...

Hooray!! I am so glad to find you on the inter-web! You remain one of our coolest friends from school. I can't believe how big wee Jack is. He is absolutely adorable. When are you all moving? I think Edward and I are moving to Monterey late April early May (he's going to Linguist School to speak a language for the Army) so I still have to pick up my crap from a storage unit in Utah. Needless to say... if the time is right and we're in Utah, I'd love to help you guys pack. But I'm definitely in Leigh Bee withdrawal.

So how has the parenting life been. Are you incredibly exhausted? Do you have time to paint or draw or make the beautiful things you make?'s always good to hear from you.



ps. how did you make the gorgeous backdrop for your blog (I'm not blog clever yet)