Monday, March 17, 2008

9 month check up and other randomness

Today Jack had his 9 month baby well check. My visiting teacher recommended a pediatrician that she really likes over at the BYU Health Center, so I gave him a try. He was very nice and gave me some great advice on what I can do to help keep Jack's eczema under control. It's really not too bad, but it bothers him from time to time and having had it myself I know the discomfort it any new advice and suggestions help.
The doctor asked if he was crawling yet....which was funny as literally seconds before he came in I had finally managed to pin Jack down and sit him on my knee....he'd been doing his wee penguin walk around the room before that, giddy with excitement and enjoying the doctor's swivel chair TOO much!
All in all Jack is doing great and I feel very lucky and blessed to have such a healthy wee boy.

On Wednesday of this week Ryan has a Mock Trial for one of his classes and he has asked me to participate in it as a witness...ahhh....I'm quite nervous. Ryan assures me that it will be fine, but I'm panicking a little as I have to remember a bunch of information in order to answer both the Prosecution and Defenses questions....we'll see how that goes!! The main downer about the whole thing is that it's like 4-5 hours long and so I've had to try and find a babysitter for Jack. It's such a long time to ask of someone to watch your kid, but we have the kindest sister in our ward who has offered to watch him...I just feel so bad!

My brother, Euan, is coming to Utah soon for a visit. He was actually here staying with us when I went into labor with Jack last year! Ha. I literally had to climb over him in the middle of the night to get out the apartment, as he was on sleeping on the floor. So, he got to see the brand new baby first and now he's anxious to see his wee, but now walking, nephew again. He's always busy busy when he comes to the States as he wants to see a ton of old mission companions and travel around, so I'm not exactly sure how much of him we'll see, but we'll steal him away from all that excitement for a bit I'm sure.

Nothing too much else happening at the Harris house for now...oh apart from that I am suddenly hooked on the "Twilight series" books by Stephenie Meyer. I'll even admit....YES, the concept sounds ridiculous....but I am enjoying them so much and that's all that matters to me.


Meridth McKean Gimbel said...

I can't believe that Jack is walking!!! That's so exciting. How did your witness thing go? I hope that the stars align and that we move our junk from Utah before you guys move. If not you'll be a good excuse to come up to Oregon.

love you,


ps. I love Twilight. I never thought I would enjoy a girly book so much... You have to let me know what you think about it :)

Driel said...

Those books are so addictive! Fun!

Mike and Tia Fam said...

Hey friend!
I found you :)
we are at

Mike and Tia Fam said...

Thanks for the link - I gave my blog a makeover this afternoon thanks to you!