Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Our Easter

This Easter we painted some boiled eggs together...well, Ryan and I did...Jack TRIED to eat his (shell included!). We planned on rolling them, but Jack threw 2 out of 3 on the floor...needless to say we didn't bother rolling them.
I'm sure we'll start some other Easter traditions once Jack is a little older.

Jack has been walking around for a month now and fairly successfully at that. What I mean by that is he has managed to avoid any accident up until this point. Today, however, was a mother's nightmare! In the morning he fell and
scraped his chin which then started to bleed. By the afternoon he had again fallen, this time outside whilst at the park. He managed to bump his wee head on the concrete...thankfully not too hard...but it started bruising. In the evening he he fell holding onto a toy that managed to poke his gum...again causing more blood to appear! I was a nervous wreck by the time Ryan came home from work. I was there right beside the wee guy each and every time he fell, but didn't manage to save him. Ryan reminded me that I can't always be there to protect him from everything....it sure was torture to see my little guy hurt though.

Ryan's trial went really well last week. He was part of the Defense and they won. I really enjoyed myself too actually and quite liked playing my little part as a witness. Jack had fun hanging out with the Sherwoods while I was gone, but for some reason that kid starts bawling the minute he sees me. It's so strange!

My brother flies in to SLC tonight and I can't wait to get all the goodies my parents have sent over for us...plenty of stuff to fatten us up!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

That is so sad to hear about his bumps and bruises! I guess it's all just part of growing up...Hopefully that will be it for a while so the little guy can mend.