Thursday, April 17, 2008

My wee 10 month old boy

Wow! Where does the time go?! I was looking at my wee Jack tonight as he snuggled into my arms and just couldn't believe how big he has suddenly gotten. It seems like yesterday that I was just bringing him home from the hospital ...oh I remember that first terrifying night when it dawned on me that I couldn't press that magical button for the nurse to come and have him taken away for a wee while so I could get a nice sleep...but here we are 10 months later and doing just grand together. In fact tonight the little one went to his bed at 7.30pm!
He has been walking around for 2 months now and is SO confident. He is exhausted at night time there is one blessing that comes from an early walker I guess. Anyway, we just had such a nice day together today and I just had to mention how grateful I am for him in my life.


Kendra | Our Homemade Happiness said...

Hi Leigh! I was just thinking about you the other day wondering where you guys were and if you had a blog! I'm so glad you found ours! That's exciting that Ryan is done with Law School and you're about to go off into the real world! I can't wait! Your little boy is so cute! Kids are so fun!

Meridth McKean Gimbel said...

I can't believe Jack is walking already. He is soooo adorable.

I imagine that you guys are in the moving process right now. (Yuck.) Good luck with that. I'm sorry to say that I'm still in San Diego and will probably miss you guys... But we'll track you down one of these days.