Saturday, April 12, 2008

Our BYU experience is almost over!

Well, yesterday was Ryan's last day of classes here at BYU. He will graduate from BYU law school on the 25th of this month and then we are leaving to move to Oregon the VERY next day! Scary! For some reason I thought we had way more time, but suddenly the closeness of this whole life-changing experience is only a mere 2 weeks away. Tonight we attended a dinner for his graduating class which was really nice. Ryan mentioned that it felt strange having his two worlds collide; family and school. One of Ryan's law professors told their class a story about a colleague of his whose son used to call him "bye bye" (he thought that was his daddy's name!) cause he worked so much....I think Ryan is determined to make sure Jack doesn't start calling him that! I hope to see him a little more too.
My dad is a lawyer as well and I remember my mum warning me about the amount of hours Ryan would have to spend studying, but I never dreamed it would be as much as it has been! It's been hard not being able to spend as much time with him as I would like, but I understand the need to get the work done so he can support our wee family. I am just so grateful that I get to stay home and take care of our son.

I got to spend another couple days hanging out with my brother and friend from home this week which was great fun. They leave to fly home on Monday. They were here for a massive 3 weeks, but had so many people to see while they were here and did a ton of traveling too. I laughed so hard when I was with them. They truly brought out more of the Scot in me! I noticed my accent getting thicker and more of my good ol' slang coming out as we sat and had a banter together. Good Times.
I am determined to make a scot out of my wee Jack too. Yeah, he'll have an American accent, but I'm sure he'll be able to do the best Scottish accent around! I'm getting soooo excited to go home this'll be brilliant!

Pic: Uncle Euan and Jack


Lindsey said...

Oh, this makes me sad! I don't want you guys to go! I know you're off to bigger and better things and to start that "life after college" thing, but I sure will miss hanging out with you guys and seeing Jack grow. We still have Ryan's papers for becoming a lawyer in Oregon so you can't leave without saying good bye :) Let us know what we can do to help you get packed and ready for your move.

Unknown said...

You get to go home in May? that will be exciting. Good luck with the move! It would be fun to see you before you go but you probably have a million things to do. He looks like he is such a good walker. Abi started to army crawl yesterday. It is so scary and exciting all at once.