Monday, April 28, 2008

We made it!

This last week has been just about the busiest of my life! I honestly couldn't have gotten through it without the kindness and generosity of so many of the girls in my old ward in Wymount and my husband's wonderful family. Special thanks to Kerri-Anne(thanks for taking care of that hoover for me too), Tia and Nicole who helped me a ton by taking the wee handful Jack off my hands while I packed up the apartment.
Ryan's parents and uncle were able to make the trip out to Utah to help us move our stuff back to Oregon and attend Ryan's graduation of course! Hooray for Ryan! He has made it through the three grueling years of law school...I am so proud of him. Now he gets to start studying AGAIN for the Bar! The work is never over it seems. So Saturday morning, after a long night of cleaning, we said farewell to Provo. I felt really sad as we took that last drive through the town. It's been my home for the last seven years and in so many ways I will miss it. All of my first memories of Jack are there in that small Wymount apartment and it was hard to leave the familiarity of Utah. But after a long thirteen hours of driving we finally made it to Salem, Oregon. Jack slept for a whopping 8 hours of the trip and even managed to sleep through the night when we arrived. Amazing!
He was eager to start exploring what will be our home for the next few months...Ryan's parent's home. We plan on staying here with them while looking for an apartment to rent for about a year or so. Then when we start making some proper money, we can look for a house. Ryan begins at the Portland office tomorrow and I think is both nervous and excited about getting started. He left some great friends at the Sandy office,but has a great time with the lawyers here too.
Grandma Liz and I have been trying to get the house baby proofed, but Jack is a difficult one to keep up with when you aren't living in a tiny Wymount apartment anymore....he's always finding something new to get into..and loving every minute of it I might add.
We miss all our friends already there in Utah, but are enjoying and looking forward to our new life here in BEAUTIFUL Oregon.


S said...

I'm so glad you guys made it safely to Oregon. I am so jealous that Jack slept most of the way. I can't even make it 5 minutes in the car with Peyton much less a road trip ... he hates the car seat! Moving is so tough but I know you will adjust well !! Your little Jack will be a huge help in that. Hopefully your new ward will have playgroups, it has been my way to make new friends in our new ward :)

Unknown said...

Glad you made it safe. I bet Jack is just having a blast. I hope you love Oregon. My brother lives in Bend and Loves it! The coast is sooooo beautiful.

Mike and Tia Fam said...

Glad you made it safe - sad to know that you are REALLY gone! Good luck with the apartment hunting. I don't know if you've looked a ton yet (with everything else you've been up to) BUT I found and and similiar websites quite helpful. GOOD LUCK :)