Monday, July 28, 2008

The Dreaded Bar Exam

It's only been 2 hours and I am missing Jack already. Ryan and I are at a Holiday Inn for the next couple of nights as Ryan is taking the Bar tomorrow and Wednesday at a conference center here in Portland. Jack is back at the house with Ryan's parents and sisters. Poor Ryan, I am so glad I don't have to take this exam. He has been studying so hard for the last month and I just hope all his hard work pays off for him. He really deserves to do well.
In the mean time I will have to figure out what in the world to do with myself for the next 2 days without my kid! It feels so strange not having him here. I might actually get to sleep through the night...what a wonderful thought.


Mike and Tia Fam said...

What a brave mommy! I really hope that Ryan does well, like you said, he deserves it. Well I hope you can enjoy this trip, it is almost a vacation for you - make sure to post once Ryan gets his score.

JA and co. said...

I hope you get a great nights sleep and have a fun few days away! And tell Ryan that Jason and I wish him luck.

S said...

Hope everything went well for Ryan. I'm guessing you're probably back by now. Did you get any sleep? I sure hope you did ... it's funny as moms that when we finally get a break all we want to do is sleep.

Unknown said...

So what DID you do for fun while you had time to yourself. I hope you enjoyed it!