Sunday, August 10, 2008


Now we wait. Ryan won't find out his Bar result until the 12Th of September...I think...sometime around then. It's nerve racking for him, but I think he is just happy to have the stress of waiting to take the exam over with.
Jack was pretty good for the first day we were gone. He apparently walked back to our bedroom a number of times during the day looking for us...poor thing. The second day he wasn't so cute. He cried for the majority of the day and was on a hunger strike! Liz (Ryan's mum) couldn't get him to eat a thing. The second I walked in the door and he saw me he started screaming like the kid was being murdered! I picked him up and he was seriously inconsolable for about 15 mins. He threw his wee arms around me and then he'd glare at me like..."how could you have left me". It was sad and I started welling up as I tried to comfort him.
Now I can not go anywhere in the house without him attached to my leg. I think he's terrified I'm going to take off again.

We did manage to get away for a few hours and watch The Dark Knight. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Ryan is quite anxious to see it again.
After a few short days off after the Bar, Ryan had to get back to work. He's got his own office at his firm (for the moment) and has already had a few stressful deadlines. Just a taster of what is to come I suspect. He really likes the people he works with though and they had a BBQ/softball game last thursday that Jack and I attended with him in Portland. It was nice to meet some of the other wives and have them reassure me that it is a really good firm.

We are still at the in-laws for now, but anticipate moving out middle of next month. I have found some promising apartments in Tigard and Wilsonville, so we'll see where we end up. It'll just be nice to get into our own place finally, meet some new families, and, of course, the commute for Ryan to his work will be heaps shorter too.

1 comment:

Mike and Tia Fam said...

Poor Jack! And now the waiting game?
I'm excited for you to get your own place, I am sure it'll really feel like you've arrived once you can unpack all your things and get settled in. Let us know one you hear the results.