Monday, January 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Rabbie

(Robert Burns)

Today I am homesick. I was so homesick that I busted out my massive Scottish flag and actually thought about hanging it up in my house somewhere...I know...ridiculous...I put it away.
It's been exactly a year since I was last home and even thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. I am such a wuss.
January 25th is Robert Burns birthday and all over Scotland people are enjoying haggis, neeps, and tatties for their dinner tonight. Since I am pretty sure I will not be able to find any haggis (I know my boys will be SOOOO dissapointed..ha) I will be making some regular old uninteresting meal.
This past weekend most of my family back home attended our stakes "Burn's Supper". Here's a wee summary of what typically happens: General welcome, followed with the Selkirk Grace. After the grace, comes the piping (my Grandpa usually does this) and cutting of the haggis, where Burns' famous Address To a Haggis is read and the haggis is cut open. People usually then begin eating just after the haggis is presented.
My Granny frequently recites the Burns' poem "Tam O' Shanter which is over ten minutes long! My new years resolution this year is to try and memorize it. We'll see how that works out for me.
So, whether you're Scottish or not, Enjoy your Burns Night!


Unknown said...

ok, so now i want to know what haggis, neeps, and tatties are??? and since i found out the majority of my ancestors are Scottish, i'm soooo curious to know. said...

I made some veggie haggis! I made is last year too when I was in Chicago. I should send you the recipe. I just made it up - but it does taste really quite nice and like haggis.