Monday, March 22, 2010

Oh Happy Day!

I am so happy I can hardly stand it! This kid is POTTY TRAINED!!!'s glorious. I never thought I'd be so ecstatic to hear the sound of pee.
Three and a half days of pure torture, but it was all worth it! He's still wearing pull-ups at night, but for now that's totally ok with me. I'm a very proud mummy.

(And...even though Pete still prefers to walk around the furniture as his main mode of transportation, today he started crawling!)

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

You mean Pete isn't following the MacArthur footsteps to start walking before 9 months? Crazy kid! CONGRATULATIONS on Jack being potty trained! Don't you think that is one of the hardest things we have had to deal with as parents so far?! I would take teething and night waking over potty training anyday. My mom claims the next worst thing is teaching a teenager to drive. Good thing we have a while before dealing with that one! Enjoy buying and changing diapers for one less child. It is bliss!