Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Bits and Bobs

1. In May we'll have been in our house for a year. It seems hard to believe. I kinda feel the same way I do when I think about my kids. You know that feeling of, "He can't be that old, I just had him!" Well, sometimes I feel like we just moved in.
I love our house. We looked at about 20+ houses when we were searching for the right place and I got a pretty good idea of the things I wanted in a home. But, at the same time I knew that this being our first home I wasn't going to get everything I wanted right away.
Last weekend I saw this show called "House Hunters". It's brilliant. It does have me really thinking about the little things I would like to have in a second house. But for now I am content and happy.

2. Oh, and I don't feel so bad about taking so long to decorate my house. After visiting with a couple of people this week I realize that it can take years to have your house decorated the way you really want it. (And we have no money right now.)

3. I was reading someones blog yesterday who talked about sending their kid to Art class. I sat there and actually said, "I want to send my kid to an art class...wonder where I could find one?"
Really?! What am I thinking. I bloomin' went to college and got my degree in Art Education and then taught for 2 years. Jack already does a lot of drawing, watercolour painting, play dough, and crafts with me, but I really need to start teaching him about the different styles of art and introducing artists every once in a while. Maybe I should start a wee art class in my home...um, no.

4. Jack is officially obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine. He still loves cars, but for the time being trains have taken the lead and are number 1 in his eyes. Yesterday I had a moment where I got a little afraid that Jack's obsession might be rubbing off on me. I actually drove my children 35 mins (each way) to Toys R Us just to get Jack "Spencer" and "Toby" because I thought he really needed them. Yes. I think I might have a problem. But I don't feel too bad because my good friend, Val, has a problem too...Ha. When I told her the trains were 40% off she said that she wants us all to go to Toys R Us for her birthday on Thursday...hysterical. Her son is nuts about Thomas too. Love it.

5. Over the last few weeks I have had A LOT of people ask me about my "status" here in the States. Most people assume I am an American Citizen. I'm not. I have my permanent residency or "Green Card" as it is commonly known. It was a long, hard, and very expensive road to get it and I pity anyone that it just starting the process. It lasts for 10 years and then I have to renew it again. I've gone back and forth on the idea of getting my citizenship here for quite some time. I mean, really, why not? I am pretty much going to be living here for the rest of my life and Britain doesn't even let me reject my citizenship there anyway, so I would have duel. I need to stop wavering and just decide what I'm going to do. It just breaks my heart a wee bit to think that I will never live in Scotland again.

6. Pete doesn't want to crawl. Why don't my kids want to crawl?! It's odd. Jack starting doing a weird half crawl when he was 7 1/2 months old and then walked at 8 months. It was a nightmare. No common sense whatsoever! I had been hoping that Pete would be different, but alas no..he's the same. He's been walking around the furniture for about a week now and is on cloud 9. The boy refuses to bend his legs when I try to sit him down. When I put him into the crawling position he pushes himself back up to sitting. Oh well, the sooner he gets to start properly playing with Jack the happier he'll be.

7. My camera is dead...I will liven up my blog with some more pictures as soon as I get a new battery!


Erin said...

You totally should do a simple art class for Jack and a few of the kids that Jack kind of plays with. That would be so fun to go to and to see the kids learning such things. Abby goes to a music class by a lady at church every week. It's amazin! I bet you'd enjoy it as well!

Karen said...

Yes you should start an art class. that would be so much fun and a little extra cash, which who doesn't like that. Not to mention you are so talented. You guys have done a ton with your house in a short year. Less than a year. I love all your decor. Can't wait to play on friday!

Beth Clark said...

hi Leigh this is your cousin Beth.How are you?I love looking at your blog and seeing pictures of Jack and Peter.They are so cute!I have my own blog but it's not very good.Bye!!!!