Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Party

Ryan woke up at 5:45am to go and play golf with some friends this morning...crazy....but he loves it. Normally I would have obviously stayed in bed,but today I knew I had to get an early start before the wee ones arose...I had a cake to make.
So, I tried the was a fairly tedious process and they did not turn out how I wanted. Definitely not like the picture I posted in my previous post. They were kinda tie-dye rather than stripes. I was disappointed, but decided that I would make a cake version instead(I had seen this one on a different blog I read).
As I was making the individual cakes I got really excited.....the colours were just so gorgeous.
Here we are right after singing 'Happy Birthday' to the boys
Here's the "before we dive in and eat it" picture of the finished cake...that took WAY too long to make...but it was so worth it when we cut inside and all the kids saw it.

Jack and Peter had a brilliant time running around like maniacs with all the other kids. I made my own version of 'pin the tail on the donkey'....mine was 'pin the funnel on Thomas'.
Here is wee Peter, looking all old and not like a baby anymore....I love this boy, he has such a cheeky personality.
Jack loved the cake and had a lot of fun blowing out the candles.
Peter had his first taste of cake, but was way more interested in smashing the cupcake to smithereens.
Our friends the Stocks, Daltons, and Wraughts came...thank you again for the lovely gifts!
Happy Birthday boys!!!! (Even though it's not till Tuesday).


Rachel said...

That cake is amazing! I would never be able to make that how long did it take you? The boys are getting so grown up wish them a happy birthday and a big kiss from us tomorrow.xx

Leigh Harris said...

It took about 4 hours! Ha...way too long, but I loved it.

Lindsey said...

Your cake turned our awesome! I love all the colors! Totally worth it, plus it was for two birthdays instead of just one. Pete does look so grown up! Hardly like a one year old in those pictures. It looks like you guys had so much fun. We are still plaining on coming the second week of July, but I reserve the right to back out at any time. Every day the thought of ten hours in the car with two little boys and being 7 months pregnant sounds worse and worse. We shall see if I can make it! I want to BE there, just not looking forward to the GETTING there!

Sarah said...

What a GREAT cake, you are a super mom!!!

alisa fawn said...

i think the cake is way better than the cupcakes! it looks so amazing!

S said...

Awesome cake!! I do not have the stamina to make a cake that takes that long. Bravo for you!! What a fun party too!