Thursday, January 13, 2011

First Hair Cut

I didn't want to cut Peter's hair, I really wanted him to stay little.
But when I saw his hair looking like this on New Year's Eve, I knew the time had come.
So we started the New Year with both boys getting a new hair cut. Pete sat better than Jack and played nicely in the bathroom sink while I took the clippers to it.
His wee curls are gone, but he's looking so very cute and grown up.


Erin said...

Oh it's horrible to have to cut those baby curls off, isn't it? Bella's hair is down to her nose/lips now but I can't seem to get the courage to trim it just yet. I'm afraid if I do, it'll curl up like Abby's!!!!

He's such a handsome big boy though with his new do.

LMS said...

i love that before picture hahahahahaha

S said...

OHHH...I hated cutting peyton's hair for the first time. He looks so big now! Very handsome though!