Thursday, January 13, 2011

Two Pictures...

I'm posting these just because I find them funny.

'Spiderman' taking a break from his regular heroic duties to watch his favourite t.v programe.
And, ever since we returned from Scotland in September, Ryan has been struggling with a small addiction....FIFA '11. Apparently, he thought it was necessary that Jack start his FIFA training young. However, Jack was more interested in making sure he 'looked' just like his Dad.


Erin said...

I cracked up when I saw the first picture of spiderman on the couch. He's even crouched on the couch like I imagine spiderman would be!!! I bet it's hilarious having boys!

Val said...

I don't know what's funnier - Jack in the costume or trying to imitate Ryan. I love your little men!

Lindsey said...

Love them! Laughed out loud when I saw spiderman sitting there taking a break. And that is too cute seeing Jack copying his Dad!

Karen said...

Cute pics. I love the spiderman one, and little boys wanting to be just like daddys are so cute!!

S said...

I love it! So cute!! Does he actually try to play? Peyton tries...he likes to play racing games. The spiderman photo is hilarious! Jack and Peyton are into the exact same things....they would be best buds if they lived close to each other!