Monday, April 11, 2011


I looked through some old pictures today of when I was pregnant with Jack and Peter. I distinctly remember that I got UPSET when I was expecting Jack because numerous people commented on how small I looked when I was into my ninth month. Looking at this picture (which was taken a week before I had Jack), I don't think I look all that small. I thought my baby wasn't growing properly or something when people made those comments and it seriously made me a nervous wreck. Instead I should have been taking it as a compliment.
I found out I was pregnant with Peter when Jack was 16 months old. I managed to hide it (from local friends) till I was around 20 or so weeks. I didn't mind at all when anyone said I was small throughout the pregnancy because by the ninth month I was pretty huge (as seen in the above photo).
Yesterday I was 20 weeks with my third pregnancy. Not a great picture, but neither are the others. 20 weeks and I'm already this big! But it's ok, because this time I feel like it's not really my fault that I'm getting so big so fast. Why? Oh, because we aren't only having baby #3....we're having #4 too! That's right...wee fraternal twins. The weather hasn't been great until now and so I was able to hide it from the majority of my ward until this last week thanks to my trusty coat.
It was a rough start, but I feel so great just now. I get a little tired throughout the day dealing with the wee ones, but the sickness has finally gone.
Today our family of four went to my ultrasound appt. It took a long time checking those new wee ones to make sure everything looked good...thankfully no problems at the moment, but I will get another scan in a month and a half or so.
Ryan and I both expected 2 more boys....which I would have been more than happy with, but I also hoped for the possibility of at least one wee girl. The result: 2 lovely wee girls! We are feeling just a tad overwhelmed but very very happy. I'm looking forward to having my wee family of six.


Val said...

You are such a beautiful pregnant lady!!! So excited for your family. :)

Lindsey said...

Oh my goodness!! I saw your title that said "six" and thought, is this a pregnancy announcement and shouldn't it say "five"?? Holy Cow! I have absolute chills reading about you expecting beautiful twin girls!! Congratulations!!!! Oh my, oh my! You will certainly have your hands full, but I know you can handle it. You are such a capable mum and certainly you weren't the oldest of 8 was it, for nothing! No wonder it has been a little tough dealing with Jack, you didn't mention morning sickness! I am so thrilled for you and hope that this pregnancy flies by and goes smoothly. Does this mean August birthdays? I found out Parker was a boy on April first, so I'm guessing you're on a similar schedule. Nine months pregnant with twins at the end of the summer. At least you missed June 15th Hee hee :) So so so very happy for you!!

Erin said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!!! When I heard your sweet message on the phone (yes, it is a 2 or something hour difference--we were putting the girls down) I wanted to call you right back but it was already late for us and I wasn't sure I could control my excitement and awe! I can't believe you hid that for sooo long! Of course we haven't talked in forever! Bless your wee heart! Girls! Let me know what color bows and such you want! I'd better get crackin! OH I miss you soooo much! We'll chat soon! Congrats!!!

S said...

Yeah!!! I have goose bumps right now I am so excited for you Leigh!!!! Not just one but two baby girls!!!! You are going to love having girls! You look great by the way! I will have to send you some cute girly stuff!

Laura said...

Wow! So Exciting and scary, I'm sure! Two little girls will be so precious. Congratulations!

Leigh Harris said...

Thanks everyone! It's all very exciting and terrifying at the same time!
Lindsey- Yeah, I'm technically not due until the end of August, but because twins is considered a "high-risk" pregnancy they either take you in between 36-38 weeks or expect you to go into labour sometime around then. So it might be the end of July/beginning of August. I'm all about getting taken early; I'll be HUGE!

Jessica said...

WOW! Leigh! Congrats! That is super exciting! You look great! Dani Jensen (not sure if you know/remember her) is pregnant with her second set of twins, she is just a few weeks ahead of you, but much bigger! Hope everything goes well, glad to hear that you are feeling better!

LMS said...

dont think you can call it a wee family now leigh! so exciting! XX

Jared said...

Oh Leigh this is wonderful news. So excited for you and your growing little family. I hope you continue to feel well and you look great! :) Congratulations :)