Sunday, September 11, 2011

My newest babes

I'm 3 weeks and 2 days late in announcing the birth of my newest babes here on my blog. That's ok though, since everyone that reads this already knows anyway.
Here is our little, olive Isabel. She is the older sister by 20 minutes, and weighed 6lbs 10 oz. She was the mellow 'Twin A' inside my tummy and still is for the most part, but can have a fairly feisty wee personality when she's hungry or looking for 'a hold'.
My wee breach baby, Penelope Anne,was 6lbs 13oz and it took that full 20 mins to turn her(which was pretty amazing) and push her out. She came out as perfectly beautiful as her big sister despite all the maneuvering. She is really quite demanding when it comes to the serious business of eating and is extremely vocal about letting me know when she's ready.
They are just as lovely as can be when they sleep side by side like this...
And even though I completely hate how I look in this picture, I kinda love it too....simply because it shows how bloomin' tired I was in the first few days after bringing the twins home. oh, wait, I'm still super tired...but thankfully not quite this bad. This will be a "nice" reminder of the beginning of my whole new life as a mum of four wee ones under the age of life is happy chaos.


Erin said...

I love the girls names--and middle names---beautiful! They are so beautiful! You look great in that picture by the way--tired but great! You just had twins!!!! I'm so proud and just in awe of you. You're amazing and I love and miss you so much! Your family is simply darling!

Val said...

They are so beautiful - I love them so much already. What lucky girls to have you as their mom!

S said...

Ohhh! Love hearing about their little personalities! You look great for just having twins!! They are happy all went well :)

Cherie said...

Oh what beautiful pictures!! I loved them all--including the last one! You look beautiful to. :) What cute names you guys picked out. I hope you're getting some rest and hanging in there. You are amazing!

Kendra | Our Homemade Happiness said...

I can't believe you had twins! Congrats! They are precious.