Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas 2011

Our Christmas holidays were very busy, but really lovely. These wee gorgeouses are just growing too fast for my liking. But it was so wonderful seeing their wee curious eyes light up as they gazed at their big brothers who were going bonkers over the excitement of all the Christmas festivities!

Olive is truly the sweetest wee girl.
And Penelope, you are pure dynamite I tell you!
A rare picture of me with both my girlies. And once again I look flippin' exhausted. One day I hope to look half decent and not utterly disheveled.
We had Ryan's parents(who drove from Wyoming), his brother Mitch (who had flown in from Florida), and Callie and her husband, Josh, with us for the weekend. We started off with a new tradition I stole from a lady at church on Christmas Eve, a "Shepherd's dinner". We laid a blanket out in the living room, read the scriptures that told of the shepherds on the eve of Christ's birth and the ate basic finger foods which may, or may not, have been kinda similar to the foods that shepherds might have eaten whilst in the fields. It was a lot of fun and Jack and Peter really got into it, so I fully intend on continuing it every year. Jack couldn't get over the fact it was like we were having a picnic but inside!
After the dinner and chocolate mousse (that was a success this year!), we let the boys open their p.j's and get into them before we headed out to look at Christmas lights in the fancy neighborhoods. Peter got spiderman jammies and Jack got Batman ones that were unfortunately a tad too big. He got pretty upset about it, but after a wash they aren't that bad at all.
Christmas morning wee dearest Penny decided that she was going to wake up at 5:30am and she wasn't in the slightest bit interested in going back to bed. Since I knew we'd have a lot of adults trying to get in the shower in a few hours before Church, I decided that since we were up I best just get myself ready. A couple of hours later the boys were awake and a few of us gathered in the boys bedroom before going upstairs to see what Santa had brought.
Both boys were spoiled and got really nice presents from Santa, family, and friends. Their big presents were a bike and a scooter. It was a chaotic morning, and I really loved taking a wee break and heading out to church for an hour to get away from the madness and focus on the most important part of why we were celebrating.
The dinner turned out delicious with some help from Liz. We had a honey glazed ham, brussel sprouts, roast potatoes, rolls, wee sausages wrapped in bacon, stuffing, and sparkling apple cider. I felt very homesick throughout the day and wished so badly that I could have been with my family too...I hope to go over one year for Christmas, it's been 7 years since I've spent it with them.
Ryan and uncle Mitch took the boys outside for a few minutes to try out their new pressies...Jack fell off his bike almost immediately and started crying that he would never go back on it EVER again. Thankfully that lasted about a minute and then he was back on riding to his hearts content. Peter even got a wee shot too.
And here are my wee lovelies in their new dresses that cousin, Madeline, sent over in the wonderful Christmas crackers she made for us. So beautiful.
A wee photo of all of us...I know Pete is t-shirtless and I should have put one on him, but this is how he runs around most nights and I want to remember that about him :)
And lastly, Ryan reading Each Peach Pear Plum to the wee ones before bed, I should have tried to squeeze Penny in there too.

1 comment:

S said...

What a fun Christmas! Our boys are two of a kind....both got Batman Caves and Batman pajamas. LOL! funny too about the bike...Peyton fell off his new bike and told me he'd get back on once he grew taller. LOL! Not sure when he thinks that will be. Your sweet girls are just beautiful! I can't believe they are that big already....time does fly! You have a beautiful family Leigh!