Tuesday, October 16, 2012

"The Happiest 5k on the Planet"...

The Colour Run's slogan was right! This run that I did, with two friends from my ward, was such a great time.  We pretty much laughed throughout the entire thing.  Sometimes at the ridiculous attire of others, occasionally that we'd actually paid money to run and get splattered in chalky stuff (although it was for a good charity), but mostly we laughed at the pure nic of ourselves.  But really, I think we all pretty much loved every minute of it.  

The run took place at the Portland International Raceway.  We parked downtown and took the tri met along with a ton of other colourful folks to our destination.

In the "colour zones", Anne and I made sure to get up close and personal with the people chucking the colour...we hoped it wouldn't be too difficult to wash out...well...Anne more than me.  She wasn't sure about going to work with multicolored hair, whereas I'm pretty sure my boys would love seeing me like that every day.

Next year, we're all taking our families with us.  It was way too fun to have them miss out again.
P.s. Jack laughed hysterically for a solid 10 mins when I arrived home and asked repeatedly when he could go get "colour attacked".

1 comment:

jamesandlindsaylattin said...

How fun! I have never seen a race like that! Colorful hair looks great on you!:)