Friday, May 13, 2011

A birthday, mother's day, and 25 weeks along.

A little after Easter the wee ones received a package each from my parents. The amount of chocolate inside was ridiculous! But I have enjoyed stealing some every now and then.
Granny knows Jack's great love for sharks, so he got a diver with cage, and a new great white...hours of entertainment..yuuusss! Peter got a bunch of winnie the pooh toys, he's a big fan.
I was craving a Cafe Rio pork salad 2 weeks ago. After doing some research through a few different recipe blogs I found a copy cat recipe that claimed to be the best. It was amazing if I do say so myself....particularly the ranch dressing. I felt pretty proud.
This picture may be a little silly to show, but a few weeks ago it was my turn to teach the preschool co-op Jack is involved in with some friends from church. I was teaching the kids about different baby animals and focused on pigs. I had the best time making each of them a wee piglet
to take home. I love how cute the piggies are together.
Mother's Day
It was Mother's Day here in the States on May 8th. It was a rough morning with the wee ones (they did not want to wear their church clothes), but it immediately got
better when Jack wasn't too scared to go up with the other kids during sacrament and sing, "Mother I love you". He swayed to the music and kinda got in the way of the wee boy next to him unfortunately, but I was so pleased that he knew all the words. I've been singing that song to him every night since the beginning of April so I was glad to see that it had payed off.
Tuesday the 10th, was my 29th birthday. I'm already feeling nervous for next years big 30. It was a very relaxing and glorious sun-shiny day. I feel very grateful for the wonderful friendships I've made in this ward. All day I had different
members stop by with flowers, fabulous gift cards!, cakes, chocolate goodies, balloons, and more. I felt very spoiled and loved. Ryan and I were able to have dinner BY OURSELVES that evening, thanks to some dear friends who watched the wee ones. It really was a lovely day.
On Saturday morning my good friend organized a birthday brunch at this stunning restaurant, Gracie's. It was by far the best breakfast I have ever eaten....I don't know why I didn't take a picture. I had the Benedicts topped with hollandaise, blackstone bacon and warm tomato slices...incredible. We are planning on returning to try their dinner or better yet, dessert menu.
Lastly, I'm 25 weeks now and feeling a lot more tired these days. I try and rest for a little while each day when Peter is taking a nap. Jack doesn't always make it easy, but he is pretty good about being quiet. At my last appointment, a week ago, I had my glucose test. I failed this test with both boys the first time and then passed after the 3 hour blood draw. I haven't heard anything from the doctor's office yet, so I am REALLY hoping that no news is good news.


S said...

Wow Leigh....those little piggies are the cutest ever! I just might have to copy your idea...Peyton would love one!

Tell Jack he has an awesome shark! The cage definitely would provide hours of fun!

Looks like a great birthday and Mother's day! I love you hair in those pics!!! I so wish mine would grow that long! By the me your address sometime....I have some cute gifts I want to send you for your baby girls! :)

Val said...

Loved all the pics! Joey adored his piggy. I'm so happy you had a great b-day, love you!!!