Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

I love Halloween, and this year has been one of the most enjoyable as my wee ones have been literally counting down the days till it arrived. For that same reason it's also made October feel really long, so I'm happy the end is nigh.
We attended our ward's "trunk or treat" on Saturday night, except there wasn't a "trunk" in sight as we had it indoors...that's what happens when you live in Oregon, better safe than sorry!
It was a little chaotic at times and many people told me I was brave for bringing the babies along, but I'm trying to get over my fear of having all the children out at the same time. Plus it wasn't like I was alone anyway, Ryan was with us.
I had planned on buying the babies a costume, but when I thought about the cost for just 2 nights wear I just couldn't do it....I'll need to make them some thing in the future, although I guarantee that probably won't happen. So they wore the boys old costumes. Penny wore Peter's pumpkin outfit from his 1st Halloween and olive wore Jack's crocodile suit. They looked plenty cute.
There was a dinner, a small costume parade and then the kids walked around the church, either getting sweeties from some one in the hall or entering one of the rooms people had signed up to decorate. Peter couldn't believe his luck when he realized all he had to do was say "trick or treat" and he'd get a delicious sweet in his he was running up to just about anyone he could find to see it if worked. That boy is an absolute chocoholic!

Ryan sitting in the "sweetie distribution" zone. A little bit of a downgrade from the extra comfy chair he had last year.
Ryan's favourite costume he saw was "Mr.T", wee Isaac McGillvery. He was pretty great.
Then tonight I made us a yummy sausage and vegie stew with rolls before we all got dressed up again for trick or treating in our neighbourhood. Jack was right into answering the door when the kids came and giving them a sweetie. He probably wouldn't have cared if he'd just stayed home doing that all night. He kept saying, "nice costume", and "happy halloween" to the folks, it was cute to watch.
I headed out with just Jack and Peter while Ryan
stayed home with the babies. It was a fairly cold night and neither of the boys cared to stay out too long, but we still hit about 12 or so houses. They were more than content with their loot.
I asked Jack if he'd remembered to say "thank you" at this house and he ran back to say it just as the girl was closing the door, she loved it.
And the poor babes....they've been fussy all day today, don't know what's been going on with them, but Penelope was livid that I was taking this pic and not holding her instead. I'm a bad mum.
But then suddenly she decided to cheer right up! Ha.


Erin said...

I adore your pictures! Especially the last one of the girls...such cuties! The boys are getting so big--I can't believe it! You look fabulous as always! Looks like you had a good time. I miss you!

alisa fawn said...

I wish more and more by the day that we lived closer! The girls are so stinkin cute! said...

Mr T is my fav too!